• Type Species
    Cymbella cymbiformis Agardh

Displaying 36 of 36 species

Sorted from smallest to largest by maximum length
Cymbella cosleyi Length: 20-31 Width: 5-7 Striae: 10-12
Cymbella excisiformis Length: 24-34 Width: 6-7 Striae: 9-11
Cymbella laevis Length: 21-35 Width: 4-7 Striae: 13-22
Cymbella affiniformis Length: 22-35 Width: 7-9 Striae: 10-13
Cymbella affinis Length: 19-36 Width: 6-9 Striae: 9-12
Cymbella designata Length: 26-37 Width: 9-11 Striae: 12-14
Cymbella subleptoceros Length: 14-37 Width: 6-9 Striae: 9-13
Cymbella parva Length: 24-41 Width: 6-8 Striae: 10-14
Cymbella tropica Length: 26-42 Width: 8-12 Striae: 9-10
Cymbella hustedtii Length: 16-42 Width: 6-10 Striae: 12-16
Cymbella neoleptoceros Length: 12-45 Width: 5-12 Striae: 9-13
Cymbella cleve-eulerae Length: 25-46 Width: 6-8 Striae: 8-10
Cymbella turgidula Length: 27-46 Width: 9-14 Striae: 9-11
Cymbella hantzschiana Length: 25-46 Width: 7-11 Striae: 9-14
Cymbella blinnii Length: 22-54 Width: 7-11 Striae: 10-15
Cymbella rumrichiae Length: 22-56 Width: 7-10 Striae: 10-15
Cymbella subturgidula Length: 23-57 Width: 8-13 Striae: 8-11
Cymbella vulgata Length: 30-59 Width: 7-11 Striae: 9-14
Cymbella stigmaphora Length: 26-64 Width: 8-13 Striae: 9-14
Cymbella alpestris Length: 40-65 Width: 9-11 Striae: 8-12
Cymbella tumida Length: 48-67 Width: 16-18 Striae: 10-11
Cymbella proxima fo. gravida Length: 46-78 Width: 17-22 Striae: 7-8
Cymbella maggiana Length: 29-78 Width: 10-14 Striae: 8-14
Cymbella compacta Length: 45-78 Width: 11-15 Striae: 9-11
Cymbella neocistula Length: 32-85 Width: 11-22 Striae: 7-10
Cymbella fontinalis Length: 38-98 Width: 11-16 Striae: 8-13
Cymbella mexicana var. kamtschatica Length: 63-102 Width: 25-31 Striae: 6-9
Cymbella proxima Length: 51-104 Width: 17-23 Striae: 7-8
Cymbella neocistula var. islandica Length: 44-109 Width: 13-26 Striae: 8-11
Cymbella cymbiformis Length: 75-120 Width: 17-20 Striae: 6-15
Cymbella amplificata Length: 84-121 Width: 20-26 Striae: 7-11
Cymbella perfossilis Length: 69-137 Width: 17-26 Striae: 8-12
Cymbella mexicana Length: 80-155 Width: 26-33 Striae: 6-8
Cymbella aspera Length: 112-221 Width: 25-38 Striae: 7-11
Cymbella lanceolata Length: 121-232 Width: 21-29 Striae: 10-14
Cymbella janischii Length: 130-360 Width: 35-68 Striae: 6-8

35 Additional Cymbella species

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Spaulding, S., Edlund, M. (2008). Cymbella. In Diatoms of North America. Retrieved February 07, 2025, from https://diatoms.org/genera/cymbella

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